23 July 2008

If you’re curious to find out the reason for these words, check out our exclusive interview with Def Leppard‘s vocalist Joe Elliott HERE.

23 July 2008

Video footage of veteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers Testament performing the song “More Than Meets the Eye” off their new album “The Formation of Damnation” at the Rockin’ Transilvania Festival, which was held July 12-13 in Sibiu, Romania, can be viewed below. Testament – “More Than Meets the Eye” (live 2008)

23 July 2008

The upcomingВ The Black Curse Over Europe 2008 Tour, featuring five mighty extreme metal bands, namely Graveworm, Lord Belial, Apostasy, The Cold ExistenceВ and Eastern Front, shall devastate Bulgaria‘s capital Sofia! Date – September 21, 2008. Venue – the Hristo Botev Cultural Center. More info – coming soon… The Black Curse Over Europe 2008 Tour

23 July 2008

The Addix publishing house starts distributin the cult British metal magazines TerrorizerВ and Metal Hammer in Bulgaria. More info comin; soon…

23 July 2008

Avenged Sevenfold are to release a CD/DVD package in September via Warner, entitled “Live from Long Beach, California & Diamonds in the Rough“. The DVD was filmed at the Long Beach Arena in California on April 10, 2008 (watch part of it below), while the CD features previously unreleased songs, B-sides and cover versions. Avenged […]

23 July 2008

Gorillaz duo Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn are set to release a new album based on their recent opera, “Monkey: Journey to the West“, which premiered at Manchester International Festival last year. The CD will be entitled “Journey to the West” and will surface under the name Monkey later this summer. Here’s the full tracklisting: […]

22 July 2008

The British electro-pop duo Goldfrapp hits the road in North America with a mini-tour in September to support its latest album, “Seventh Tree”, released last February via Mute Records. Until then, fans can use their bandwidth to get hold of the act’s “Caravan Girl” EP (view cover in the left), which contains a couple versions […]

22 July 2008

New York’s indie rock rising stars TV on the Radio decided to put “Dear Science” as the title of their new full-length studio album. The follow-up to “Return to Cookie Mountain” (2006) shall be in stores on September 22 via Interscope Records. TV on the Radio – “Wolf Like Me“

22 July 2008

Mr.В Jordan JordanovВ from the town of Dobrich won a brand-new Fiat Bravo from a lottery with the three-day tickets for the Kaliakra Rock Fest 2008 (July 5-7, Kavarna, Bulgaria).

22 July 2008

Just two weeks after its stage debut, the young Bulgarian punk rock outfit Kriza offered two of its song for free download. Get “Max & Moritz“В and “I“В respectively hereВ and here, and then go to for more info.