We are celebrating LEMMY KILMISTER’s life and music. And this is the MOTORHEAD WEEK on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK. DISCOGRAPHY: On Parole (1976/1979) Motörhead (1977) Overkill (1979) Bomber (1979) Ace of Spades (1980) Iron Fist (1982) Another Perfect Day (1983) Orgasmatron (1986) Rock ‘n’ Roll (1987) 1916 (1991) March ör Die (1992) Bastards (1993) Sacrifice (1995) Overnight Sensation (1996) […]
On today’s edition of his ZOO radio show, ANDREY VLADOV will present some fantastic new sounds: – FOXX BODIES (pictured); – IFE; – HOUEIDA HEDFI; – GEESE; – JOY CROOKES. The ‘ZOO SHOW’ kicks off on Monday at 4 pm BG time (3 pm CET) on radio Tangra Mega Rock. It has several reruns during the week – for details check HERE…
Празниците се усещат във въздуха, а ВИЛИ СТОЯНОВ направо ги започва с новото издание на неговото ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’ – слушайте в ПОДКАСТ. ВИЛИ ще ви зареди с музиката на ПОЛ АНКА. ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’ се излъчва на живо всеки петък от 14:00 по радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК и има множество повторения – вижте в нашата програма.
Тази седмица ще завърши превърналата се в хит игра на радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК и слушалките SKULLCANDY. Казва се ‘SKULLCANDY – SOUND WITHOUT BOUNDERIES’ и дава възможност на 7 от нашите слушатели да спечелят своя комплект слушалки. Вече имаме 6-има победители – ТЕОДОРА БОЕВА от Свети Влас, ЕЛЕНА ГУТСАЛСКА, ПЕТРАНКА АТАНАСОВА (от Павликени), МИЯ НИКОЛОВА (Божурище), НАДЯ ДУМАНОВА (София) и КОРНЕЛИЯ НИКОЛОВА (Плевен). Имената им се теглят всеки петък в шоуто “ДЖИТБОЛ” […]
Swedish rock ’n’ roll veterans THE HELLACOPTERS will release Eyes Of Oblivion, their first album of original material in 17 years in 2022, and Nicke Andersson’s band have offered a first taste of what the world can expect with the release of a video for their brand new single, Reap A Hurricane. Reap A Hurricane […]
Музикалното предаване на БНТ1 – “МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ” продължава тази вечер с нов епизод в 22:00 по БНТ1. Главен герой при ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ ще бъде митичният ПЕТЪР ЦАНКОВ. През целия си живот плува срещу течението, а освен това е забележителен музикант и композитор. Автор е на ненадминатия учебник за ударни инструменти, както и на музика за филми и много театрални постановки. ТОЙ е сред основателите на […]
Bruce Springsteen has sold his music’s masters and publishing to Sony Music for a reported total of $500 million, according to Billboard. The Boss has been signed to Sony’s Columbia Records since he launched his career, and was previously given ownership of his earlier albums. But now the label owns his wide-spanning catalog, which […]
The new ODD CREW song ‘Morning Lights’ enters the TANGRA TOP 40 chart – VOTE HERE. This is the first single fromwill be the band’s sixth studio album “Dark Matters (Part 1)” which is due in 2022 via Drakkar Entertainment GMBH.
TOOL drummer Danny Carey will have to make a January 12th court appearance stemming from his arrest for alleged assault at the Kansas City International Airport. Along with the court date, a few new details have emerged regarding the incident. As previously reported, Carey was arrested for misdemeanor assault Sunday night (December 12th) after […]
A hell lot of fantastic metal sounds will be on VASSIL VARBANOV‘s metal show on TANGRA MEGA ROCK this week! He will play parts of some of the best metal and hard rock albums of 2021. Play it LOUD! TANGRA METAL SHOCK kicks off at 2 pm BG time on Thursday!