01 March 2021

 Това ново издание на ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’ се оказа важно за ВИЛИ СТОЯНОВ, защото го засяга лично – слушайте го вече нон-стоп в ПОДКАСТ.  В центъра е най-новото му музикално приключение – THE ESSENTIAL FUNK TROMBONE. За да не се изчервява да говори сам за себе си, той е поканил за зъдействие добрия си приятел ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ, който задава целенасочени и импровизирани въпроси по темата. В […]

01 March 2021

This is the MOGWAI week on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK! The Scottish post rockers’ latest album, As The Love Continues, hot the coveted No. 1 spot in the UK album charts.  “We’re unbelievably happy to be the Number One album,” said MOGWAI guitarist Stuart Braithwaite.   As The Love Continues is MOGWAI‘s thirteenth album in their 23-year career. The band release their own albums […]

01 March 2021

Typical. You wait a decade for a new RAMMSTEIN album then two come along… well, fairly close to each other.   Keyboard gimp Flake Lorenz confirmed that the band have spent the past few months recording a brand new album.   “The fact that we couldn’t perform live increased our creativity,” he told “We had more […]

01 March 2021

Prog legends YES have released a new video clip of the band performing their 1983 hit Owner Of A Lonely Heart. The song, originally on their 90125 album, is from a 1991 show at the Shoreline Amphitheater in California on the band’s Union tour. Yesterday the band announced Union 30 Live is a 30-disc flight […]

01 March 2021

On today’s edition of his ZOO radio show, ANDREY VLADOV will present some fantastic new music of the likes of: – OCEANATOR;  – DALE CROVER;  – HEARTY HAR (pictured);  – TORI HANDSLEY;  – THE TELESCOPES.  The ‘ZOO SHOW’ kicks off on Monday at 4 pm BG time (3 pm CET) on radio Tangra Mega Rock. It has several reruns during the week – for […]

01 March 2021

Музикалното предаване ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ продължава по БНТ и през новата 2021. Тази събота под прожекторите се появи самият КИРИЛ МАРИЧКОВ и двамата с ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ неизбежно обмениха спомени за началото на Рок радио ТАНГРА – вече можете да гледате епизода и ОНЛАЙН. Вижте моменти от снимачния процес в официалната страница на предаването във Facebook.  Следващият герой ще бъде прославеният хоров диригент ВАНЯ МОНЕВА! Гледайте ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ тази събота, 6 март, в 22:00 по БНТ1. […]

01 March 2021

We got the following message from URBAN GREY: Dear friends and fans, we have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that our bassist and friend Bambi Nikiforov is no longer part of Urban Grey. The reason behind his departure is that Bambi has his own very serious project – GWENDYDD […]

28 February 2021

Anneke van Giersbergen goes for a derive in her video for her new single I Saw A Car. The single is taken from her upcoming solo album, The Darkest Skies Are The Brightest which will be released through InsideOut Music last Friday, February 26. This is Anneke‘s 26th album release. The songs were written with […]

27 February 2021

Тази вечер ГЛАВЕН ГЕРОЙ в предаването ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ по БНТ ще бъде самият КИРИЛ МАРИЧОВ. Съвсем логично е той и водещият ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ да обменят общи спомени от първите години на РОК РАДИО ТАНГРА. Наричаме го БАЩАТА на БЪЛГАРСКИЯ РОК и с основание. Защото той е ключова фигура в първата българска рок банда – БЪНДАРАЦИТЕ, след която – на 22 години се впуска в […]

26 February 2021

MOONSPELL have released a music video for their new single “The Hermit Saints”. The track comes from their new studio album, “Hermitage,” which is hitting stores tomorrow, February 26th. Vocalist Fernando Ribeiro had this to say, “”‘The Hermit Saints’ unveils even further secrets about our forthcoming album: Hermitage Make no mistake: this is a METAL […]