19 January 2021

 ТОНОДЕРО се завръщат с нова песен ‘ДЕЦАТА’ и дори с видео към нея. Това е новата българка група, с която ви запознахме още през октомври ТУК и включва добре познатите на всички наши приятели – трима от PANICAN WHYASKER (свирят и в много други банди).   ДИМИТЪР ВАСИЛЕВ-НУФРИ, АЛЕКСАНДЪР ОБРЕТЕНОВ и ДЕЯТ ДРАГИЕВ-ДАКАТА. Човекът, който ги е обединил в новото приключение ТОНОДЕРО се казва ДИМИТЪР ПОПОВ-ДИМБЕЦА.    […]

19 January 2021

ALEX BOYADJIEV’s PANIC ATTACK hardcore radio SHOW kicks off today at 4 pm BG time. He will kick some great new music of the likes of AFI, DESCENDENTS (pictured), LESS THAN JAKE, SPICE, ENTROPHY, SOMERSOT TOWER, ENTRY, CRAZY EDDIE and more. Stay tuned and play it loud!  

19 January 2021

FOO FIGHTERS are just weeks away from unleashing their new studio album, Medicine at Midnight.  Following lead single “Shame Shame” and New Year’s Day release of “No Son of Mine”, the rock titans are now sharing the official music video for the third preview track in “Waiting On A War”. According to a statement from Dave Grohl, the song is inspired by […]

18 January 2021

US music producer Phil Spector has died at the age of 81, while serving a prison sentence for murder.   Spector, who transformed pop with his “wall of sound” recordings, worked with the Beatles, the Righteous Brothers and Ike and Tina Turner.   In 2009, he was convicted of the 2003 murder of Hollywood actress […]

18 January 2021

This is the NEW YORK DOLLS WEEK on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK!  Guitarist SYLVAIN SYLVAIN died lat week aged only 69! He was born Sylvain Mizrahi in Cairo, Egypt, in 1951. When he was young his family fled to New York where, as a teenager, he formed THE POX with future NEW YORK DOLLS bandmate Billy Murcia. The pair also featured in ACTRESS, where they were joined by Johnny […]

18 January 2021

 Така е – НАСО се казва (всъщност) АТАНАС. И днес ще празнуваме с него празника на името му.  Той е вечният вирус в програмата на радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК – не пропускайте да слушате най-новото издание на неговото леко налудничаво предаване ‘МОТЕЛ ХЕНТАЙ’ – в ПОДКАСТ. Засега – честито на всички негови съименици. Бъдете здрави и верни на себе си!

18 January 2021

Over the last few months, former pop star Toyah Wilcox and KING CRIMSON guitarist Robert Fripp have delighted the nation with their Sunday Lunch performances, a series of ad-hoc cover versions that have given viewers an intriguing insight into life in the Wilcox/Fripp household.  It’s all been ticking along quite nicely, but last weekend’s performance, […]

18 January 2021

ICED EARTH leader Jon Schaffer is facing six criminal charges relating to the riotous scenes at the US Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6.  Having been photographed among angry demonstrators who stormed the Capitol as the US Congress convened to certify Joe Biden’s victory in November’s Presidential elections, Schaffer turned himself in to […]

18 January 2021

On today’s edition of his ZOO radio show, ANDREY VLADOV will present some fantastic new sounds of the likes of: – NEMEGATA (pictured); – EL SHIROTА;  – METZ;  – TUNNG. The ‘ZOO SHOW’ kicks off on Monday at 4 pm BG time (3 pm CET) on radio Tangra Mega Rock. It has several reruns during the week – for details check HERE…  

18 January 2021

Музикалното предаване ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ продължава по БНТ и през новата 2021. Тази събота при ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ изгря младата оперна певица МИЛА МИХОВА, а вече можете да гледате епизода и ОНЛАЙН.   Вижте моменти от снимачния процес в официалната Facebook страница на предаването.   Следващият герой ще бъде ‘куизърът’ МАРТИН ИВАНОВ! Гледайте ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ тази събота, 23 януари, в 22:00 по БНТ1.   снимка: Даниела Филипова