TYPE O NEGATIVE – Peter Steele

“I did the Playgirl thing just to give journalists something to ask the band about. Of course, I have succeeded.”

What doesВ Peter SteeleВ know about St. Cyril and Methodius? What does he think about Wikipedia? What was his main motive for doing the notorious Playgirl photo session? And what drink would be most suitable while listening toВ Type O Negative‘s new album, “Dead Again”?

Vassil Varbanov: Good evening, Mr. Steele. The first question would be about one of the most obvious topics, namely the cover artwork of your new album. You’ve used faux Cyrillic fonts for it. Do you know more about these fonts, or it was just a designer’s decision? Do you know who invented this alphabet?

Peter Steele: Cyrillic? St. Cyril. I believe he migrated from Greece to Upper Russia, and he designed that alphabet based upon Roman and Greek letters. That’s why they call it the Cyrillic alphabet.

V. V.: Actually, he’s never been to Russia…

P. S.: Well, I don’t know, I’m not a historian. I just know that Russians use the Cyrillic alphabet.

V. V.: And did you know that Cyril and his brother, Methodius, are Bulgarian?

P. S.: Methodius?

V. V.: Yeah, and we, Bulgarians, are extremely proud of that alphabet. We were even happier when we saw that you, Type O Negative, use it for your new album. By the way, having in mind that you hail from Brooklyn, New York, to what extent are you influenced from your urban environment and to what – from nature?

P. S.: I feel that being born and growing up in Brooklyn, I would be a fool if I did not say that my environment inspired me. I just feel that it’s more as a person that I like to put my feelings into music, but the environment also comes into play.

V. V.: Many magazines call Type O Negative one of the most European sounding American bands. Do you consider this a compliment?

P. S.: Actually yes, because I am a descendant of Europeans. I’m Polish, Russian, Icelandic and Scottish.

V. V.: In Internet-based sources like Wikipedia, for example, we can read that your real name is Peter Ratajczyk. Is this true?

P. S.: Let me just say one thing, ok? I do not mean to offend you, but… Fuck Wikipedia! May I speak freely, sir?

V. V.: Of course.

P. S.: I believe this is an extremely sad time in human history. With all this technology we have and all the knowledge we can gain through computers, people anonymously can destroy another person. By rumors. Excuse my language, but this is fucking disgusting!

V. V.: I also would like to ask you about the things that have influenced you the most. You know, a year ago we had the chance to talkВ to Type O Negative’s keyboarder Josh Silver. He stated that no one can get better than Pink Floyd…

P. S.: Let me just say that I feel that Josh made an extremely valid point. Pink Floyd was a very emotional band, very passionate, and their feelings came through in their music. I do have to say that Josh was absolutely correct when he said Pink Floyd… uh… What was the question?

V. V.: What has shaped you the most as a person while you were growing up – listening to music or reading books?

P. S.: Both, actually. I used to listen to a lot of Beatles, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Deep Purple, but I also used to read a lot – mainly textbooks, as I was at school -В like physics, chemistry, mathematics, blah-blah-blah… And just to get back to the point – I think that The Beatles and Black Sabbath were probably the two most profound influences on my songwriting.

V. V.: Do you believe in life after death?

P. S.: That is a very complicated question, very philosophical. I believe in God, I am a Roman Catholic, and I believe there is life after death.

V. V.: One more thing: Are you tired of being asked so many times about the reasons why you posed naked for Playgirl years ago?

P. S.: Actually… I mean, every question that you asked me, I lied about the answers!

V. V.: Ha-ha, cool, but anyway – are you tired of being asked about that photo session? We won’t discuss that point, I promise.

P. S.: I did the Playgirl thing just because you wouldn’t have a question to ask me right now. That was the motive – to give journalists something to ask the band about. Of course, I have succeeded.

V. V.: Ok, let’s focus on “Dead Again”. When was this new album of yours composed – at daytime or during the night?

P. S.: It was composed mainly at dinner time, when we were eating.

V. V.: What do you think is the most suitable drink for listening to “Dead Again”?

P. S.: Which drink would go well with “Dead Again”? Gasoline.

V. V.: Many people would choose vodka.

P. S.: Yeah, but gasoline is a lot cheaper.

V. V.: Finally, could you please tell us something more about your forthcoming European tour?

P. S.: I really don’t know much about that. I’m just looking very forward to do it, because the United States have no history, but Europe does. I hope to spend a little time not being the typical American tourist-asshole, but to learn more about each country we visit.

V. V.: Is there any band you wouldn’t want to play live with on one stage?

P. S.: Type O Negative.

V. V.: Do you say this as a Type O Negative member or as a Carnivore member?

P. S.: As a Type O Negative member.

V. V.: Great, thank you.

P. S.: Thank you, sir.

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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