“We’re gonna make the people of Europe realize they have to support a Norwegian hard rock export. We won’t be able to live on our oil money forever!”

Audrey Horne – the new hard rock sensation from one of the capitals of Norwegian black metal, Bergen – hits back with its second full-length album, “Le Fol“. Find out more about the CD and its creators Arve Isdal a.k.a. Ice Dale (guitar; also in Enslaved), Thomas (guitar; also in Sahg) and Kjetil (drums; also in Deride) directly from Audrey Horne’s vocalist and lyrics writer, Mr. Toschie.

Vassil Varbanov: How are you man?

Toschie: I’m good, how are you?

V. V.: Good! Let’s start with your video for “Threshold”. Are these two gals having sex in the car?

T.: Yeah.

V. V.: Can I have their telephone numbers? Or at least their manager’s telephone number?

T.: Oh, you can have their numbers. I’m sure if I go to my black book I’ll find it somewhere.

V. V.: Ok, send me an e-mail and keep it private please – don’t tell it to the audience, because my wife is probably listening.

T.: That’s ok – your wife won’t see the pictures either, ha-ha!

V. V.: Is the car in the video yours?

T.: Yeah, sure.

V. V.: In a week or so you’re gonna play at the Metal Hammer Awards after party. What do you expect it to be like?

T.: I don’t know… I think it’s gonna be great fun, a lot of good people and a good show. We’re really looking forward to that.

V. V.: Do you have a nomination for the Metal Hammer Awards?

T.: No – strangely we don’t…

V. V.: The new album of yours is called “Le Fol”. What does it mean?

T.: I guess it means something like “The Fool”…

V. V.: Or the jester? The guy that’s entertaining kings?

T.: Yeah, that’s what we do – we entertain kings!

V. V.: Audrey Horne is a character from “Twin Peaks”. Is Angelo Badalamenti your favourite composer?

T.: No, I don’t think so. He’s a great composer. I don’t think he’s my favourite one, but he certainly did one hell of a job on that TV show.

V. V.: Did you have the chance to meet the actress who played Audrey Horne – Sherilyn Fenn?

T.: No, but you know, this TV show was something like 20 years ago. I saw her recently in a really crappy movie – she’s gone quite old, but she’s still hot as hell!

V. V.: As far as I know, you’re the only member of Audrey Horne who doesn’t play in any other band, right?

T.: That’s right.

V. V.: So what else do you do? We can read on the Internet that you’re a tattoo expert…

T.: Yeah, that’s right – I work as a tattoo artist.

V. V.: There’s another Norwegian band coming from the same record label as you – Indie Recordings – and featuring members of Enslaved, called Trinacria. Are they good?

T.: They’re quite different, but they’re definitely worth checking out, because, as you said, some of the guys here play in that band as well (Arve Isdal, plus Enslaved’s Ivar BjГёrnson and Grutle Kjellson). You know, everyone I play with in Audrey Horne are cheating sluts! I’m the only one who’s faithful and has any dignity in this band! The rest of the band would sleep with anyone…

V. V.: You got this Norwegian Grammy Award for your previous album, “No Hay Banda” (2005). Could you please explain to us what exactly is a Norwegian Grammy? What’s the procedure?

T.: Well, the procedure is basically as any other Grammy – there’s the Academy, a huge TV show… it’s basically the same thing as getting an Oscar or a Grammy in America, only it’s in Norway. It’s huge honour.

V. V.: Having in mind what bands the other three guys are into, aren’t you afraid that anyone of them could stab you in the back while on stage?

T.: Yes, that’s why I always wear that bulletproof vest when we play. To be honest, I don’t feel safe at all.

V. V.: Most of the songs on “Le Fol” have been written by Ice Dale, and just a few by Thomas. Who do you gibe the interviews then?

T.: Because I’m the pretty one! Seriously, Ice Dale writes most of the music, but I write all of the melody lines and lyrics. Basically everyone has their part in the songwriting process. However, I do the interviews because I’m a lot prettier than the rest pf the band.

V. V.: Having in mind you’re Norwegian and not playing in a black metal band, you’re probably the right person to ask: What happened to Gluecifer?

T.: Gluecifer? Oh, sadly they split up. They were a great band. They called themselves the kings of rock, but… I think they were tired of touring and… they grew old.

V. V.: Do you keep in touch with them?

T.: Yes, with some of them. Some have just started up new bands, so…

V. V.: Obviously it’s a long story… so thanks for the interview and good luck at the Metal Hammer Awatds!

T.: Yeah, we’re gonna make the people of Europe realize that they have to support a Norwegian hard rock export. We won’t be able to live on our oil money forever, so we’re gonna make sure this country stands on its feet after the oil money is finished.

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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