BIOHAZARD – Billy Graziadei

“To me Biohazard is and will always be me, Bobby, Danny and Evan.”

Brooklyn’s hardcore/metal legends Biohazard reunited! This, we think, is a pretty good reason to get in touch with guitarist/vocalist Billy Graziadei and find out more…

Vassil Varbanov: Hey, Bill, how are you doing?

Billy Graziadei: I’m doing great, man, how are you doing?

V. V.: Amazingly well. First question is not regarding Biohazard, which obviously is the reason for having you with us today, but about Suicide City. Because last time we spoke, it was about Suicide City. What is going on with Suicide City these days?

B. G.: Well, actually it’s going great. We have a new DVD we’ve just finished. “Live at CBGB’s”. It was an awesome show. We’ve got a new record coming out. That will be out in the winter, may be early spring… We also do this Biohazard tour… I’m a busy man and sometimes I feel like having 2 girlfriends, you know?

V. V.: Well, the mandatory question is: how does it feel with all the partners in crime back together some 20 years after you formed Biohazard?

B. G.: It feels great, man. We played last night in N.Y.C. We had a big party last night after the show, so pardon me for coughing and… But it’s gone great. It’s great to play together with the guys again. We’re brothers from different mothers and I never thought that the possibility to play together would make me feel like 19 again, so it’s a good thing. It’s a good experience… It’s great to be together again.

V. V.: Well, I’m sure, as the tour is packed so far, that people are eager to go and seen the original Biohazard back together again, but I’m also sure that the fans have this question in their minds and it’s question you have to answer to every night. Are you, guys, planning to do a new record together?

B. G.: I’m not sure what is going to happen. We talk about a lot of different things. I think for me, I’m very cautious about the business side of music industry. I think having all my passion and energy going to Suicide City and starting over as a band and, you know, no crew and doing all the equipment, kind of brought me back to the beginning of Biohazard, where at that time we didn’t know anything. We were kids who had no doubts about the music industry. We had a whole career that moved out of the spot. So, I’m more cautious and careful, more educated and I think if we ever do anything with Biohazard it would be on our label, on our own terms, by our own rules. Not by someone else’s. Let me tell you this, We are definitely going to release a bunch of things that we have never released before… I don’t know why, for some reason we never released them but now, when we are back together I know why we would release them… Because it wasn’t the right time. There’s a lot of early stuff with Bobby and a live DVD. So there are lots of Biohazard things to released and I’m really excited about that.

V. V.: This is actually a 20th anniversary reunion tour. Are the crowds singing “happy birthday to you”?

B. G.: In their own hardcore Biohazard way, yeah. Because the first three records were with Bobby and that’s the real core of Biohazard. You know, we had a lot of great moments and… To me Biohazard is and will always be me, Bobby, Danny and Evan. And when we are back playing those classic songs again everyone is like “wow, they’re playing that… it’s amazing…” And there are a lot of young kids that weren’t able to see Biohazard, you know, with Bobby, or the Biohazard period. You know, in a lot of ways, we were forerunners in a lot of styles and a lot of things in hardcore and metal. So, it’s been great, it’s been awesome…

V. V.: When the band was not together, who of the other three guys was the closest to you and actually who came up with this idea of reunion?

B. G.: We’re all close, you know, even if we into different things, we are close. We never really had any kind of issues. And it’s always been like this respect thing that we have that Evan did his own thing, I did my thing and Danny did his thing. But, you know, Danny and I live in the same neighborhood and we have our kids playing together. We have our own studio together and Danny is the guy with whom I had most contact over the years. But the first important thing for Biohazard that had happened is that we’ve become friends again and we hang up together more before we go actually on tour and play together.

V. V.: Tell us more about the tour. After the first leg in America, you are coming to Europe. I mean, what’s the feedback before even starting the tour, because I believe you’ve got lots of mail and stuff from the European fans.

B. G.: Yeah, I think a lot of people are shocked. I was shocked. But I think a lot of people are kind of waiting for this to happen one day and for me I wanted this to happen years ago with Bobby and it never happened and I gave up trying and once I gave up hope, we got back with Bobby. So, it was a big shock for me when the idea came up. And now I got phone calls from Evan and Bobby and they were having dinner one night. And I think that’s the biggest thing, because I didn’t think that would be possible. But what we realized when we split up years ago a lot of things like, you know, one person… you know, had the assumption that this happened and the other guy thinks that this happened and the other persons… you know, it’s like fuck everybody at the end. It’s a good chance to get back together and talk face to face… What I thought would happen is now reality. It’s cool to be good friends together, hang and laugh. This is like a dream come true for us.

V. V.: OK, thank you very much for being with us.

B. G.: Thank you very much man, I’m looking forward to come back there and hope that you will drink some vodka with me.

V. V.: For sure, and the vodka is going to be on me.

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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