DEATH ANGEL – Mark Osegueda

“Talking is my gift, ha-ha-ha!”

The Filipino-American thrash metal veterans Death Angel return with a strong new album on February 26, 2008. Vocalist Mark Osegueda presented “Killing Season”, its creation process, what it’s like working with a producer known for helping out a.o. Rush and Foo Fighters… and what’s so funny about The Organization.

Vassil Varbanov: Mark, how are you?

Mark Osegueda: Wonderful!

V. V.: Is this because you’ve very satisfied with the new Death Angel album?

M. O.: Oh, my god – beyond satisfied! We’re so excited about it that we cannot wait to play the songs live!

V. V.: It’s been almost 4 years since your reunion album. Could we say that “Killing Season” is even better than 2004’s “The Art of Dying”?

M. O.: Absolutely! I think it’s better as a whole – production and song-wise, the state of mind we’re in, so I think the new album is like an entire statement, more fluent.

V. V.: You new CD was produced by Nick Raskulinecz, who did the latest Stone Sour album, among others. Why did you choose him?

M. O.: He’s phenomenal! He did Stone Sour, Foo Fighters, the last Rush record… We wanted someone to finally capture our tones – these big solid tones – because we’re predominantly a live band and wanted someone to capture that. Danko Jones, a fellow musician and friend, was working with Nick. I had given Danko a Death Angel sweatshirt, as he’s a huge fan of ours. One day he walked into the studio wearing this sweatshirt, and Nick saw it and was like, “Death Angel!” He picked up the guitar and started playing a riff from our song “Seemingly Endless Time”. Danko e-mailed me and guitarist Rob Cavestany and told us this, and as we were looking for a producer we asked whether Nick would be interested in working with us. Our schedules worked out perfectly and so we did it.

V. V.: You recorded in Dave Grohl’s studio, right?

M. O.: Yeah. He’s a huge metal fan and his studio is beautiful – Studio 606. It was just a magical experience.

V. V.: Let’s also talk about your upcoming video. It’s gonna be for the song “Sonic Beatdown”, right?

M. O.: Yes. It’s like the first pace in getting people here and we wanted to capture this. The song has got a heavy element to it, but at the same time it’s a fun live song, that’s why we chose it. However, we don’t want people to think that we’re releasing the heaviest one first, because it’s definitely not. It’s just a song that we think is infectious.

V. V.: By the way, what’s new in the famous Bay Area thrash metal scene?

M. O.: I think that’s the boiling point right now – all these bands are coming out with new albums, the shows are getting bigger and bigger… Then our record release show for “Killing Season” is happening on February 29, and the main support for us shall be Forbidden!

V. V.: In the early 90’s your band mates formed The Organization, which was basically a good band. Aren’t you afraid that now, after reforming Death Angel, they might think of reforming The Organization as well?

M. O.: Ha-ha-ha, no! Ha-ha-haaaaaaaarrrghhh…

V. V.: You sound like a really happy person, man!

M. O.: Yeah, I’ve always been like that. Talking is my gift, ha-ha-ha!

V. V.: I’d say not just talking, but also singing! Which track on your new album was the most difficult for you vocal-wise?

M. O.: Hmm… I think one definitely challenging song was “When Worlds Collide” – I mean challenging in a good way. I tried to pull out things I hadn’t done before. I really wanted to focus on my voice on this album.

V. V.: Who has been you role model through the years, especially when you were a kid?

M. O.: My favourite of all time is Bon Scott, believe it or not. Of course, the list goes on – Ozzy Osbourne, Robert Plant, Freddie Mercury… I love all music.

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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