LEVON MANUKYAN (conductor) for the PARADISE LOST show

LEVON MANUKYAN is one of the brightest stars on the current Bulgarian classical music scene. With demand for his talents increasing to almost impossible levels and his schedule busier than a Marakesh market, he will also be conducting the Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra during what will doubtless be an epic concert by UK band PARADISE LOST on September 20 in Plovdiv. Not only that, but LEVON, with the help of his colleague GEORGI MILTIYADOFF have also made new, orchestral arrangements of some of the British Goth metal icons’ classic tracks for this show.

This isn’t the first time MANUKYAN has worked on a similar project either. He’s already received high praise by prog rockers ASIA for his work with them and let’s not forget his splendid work on the TARJA TURUNENFISH and ANATHEMA shows.

We spoke to LEVON about the upcoming PARADISE LOST show this Saturday.
an interview conducted by Vassil Varbanov

What’s the feeling like before this kind of show?

When you’re working with established and well known musicians, it’s an incredible feeling, because their artistry and charm come hand in hand with an impeccable professional attitude and discipline. This creates a very calm, assured and pleasant environment in which we can all do our work properly, knowing things will run smoothly, with an excellent end product. At the same time, as the crowd – some of whom have travelled great distances to see the show – start filling up the amphitheatre, the level of excitement and euphoria grows. Going out onstage, before such an audience, to conduct a fantastic orchestra and play with an amazing band – well, that feeling is something words cannot describe.

You’ve done orchestral arrangements for a few name acts. Working on the PARADISE LOST songs must have been a bit different though….

Oh, definitely. It was a huge challenge for me and my colleague Georgi Miltiyadoff. Doing orchestral arrangements for metal is quite different to doing the same for a rock band. Especially when the music has so many elements to it – Goth, death metal etc. There’s a fine line between all those elements, styles, nuances and how you convert them, so to speak, to being performed by and with an orchestra. For this to work, one must have good knowledge and a fondness for this kind of music, and also be well aware of the fundamental laws of dramatic symphonic music. PARADISE LOST’s music is a boiling pot of sound and emotion. That’s why we decided to include a mixed choir – it adds vastness and an extra spark to their cosmic sound.

Which instruments dominate in your arrangements?

For this type of music we decided to concentrate mostly on the horn section. That’s four horns, three trumpets, three trombones and one tuba. Of course we use the entire orchestra, as well as a mixed choir. The latter is something we hope will produce a very significant effect during the live show.

Which other band or artist would you like to work with?

I always look for the biggest challenge. I’d love to do something with Marilyn Manson.

Getting back to PARADISE LOST – are you a fan?

As a professional musician all these years, I’ve learned not to be too obsessed with others and to not have any idols. I think a true artist should constantly be looking for inspiration n from those that are better than him. Working with such talents enables you to become a part of their art and also develop yours. I have a very high regard for the music PARADISE LOST have created thus far and I completely understand why they’re one of the biggest bands in metal today. I hope more people feel touched by their music!


  • Source: www.radiotangra.com