“Rright now it’s a bad time for creativity and art. Nowadays bands like Linkin Park are gigantic, and I hate them! I think they stink musically.”

Vassil Varbanov: Hello, is it Josh?

Josh Silver: Yes, it is.

V. V.: Hi, this is Vassil from Bulgaria.

J. S.: How are you doing, brother?

V. V.: Good, thank you. Let’s now start talking about the upcoming Type O Negative DVD “Symphony for the Devil”. Please, tell us the whole story.

J. S.: The story is we’re putting out our first live DVD. It’s a show from 1999 with a very well done shooting, and that’s the reason we chose it. It was a 12 camera shoot with 3 cranes and… Honestly, I don’t think we can ever look better than that.
So we went for this one and put a lot of personal things on the DVD as well, like footage of the band on the bus, on tour, at home, etc. I think it’s gonna be a really good DVD.

V. V.: The DVD sounds good and looks great, but I’m sure lots of people would like to know about any new studio material from you guys. Any plans to do so?

J. S.: Of course, we’re getting it this year. We’re about to start recording in the studio very soon, and the albumВ shold be out, I’d say, in September.

V. V.: Josh, you’re famous for being the producer and mentor of many bands from the Brooklyn area, like Life of Agony and Pissed On. Are you still doing stuff like this?

J. S.: Actually, there’s not a lot of good music out there these days and it’s getting harder to find a really good band. However, I’m always trying new projects, working for bands and doing things, so my ears are always open. Besides, I did a song on the 21st Roadrunner Anniversary release and stuff, so I’m always doing projects.

V. V.: You just said there are not many good bands today. Acording to you, what’s the reason for that?

J. S.: Uh, if I knew that I’d be God. Generally it goes in cycles, you know. I think right now it’s a bad time for creative art. Nowadays bands like Linkin Park are gigantic, and I hate them! I think they stink musically. I don’t care what they do personally, I just think their music is crummy. Anyway, I think this is just one of many cycles, and sooner or later things shall start to get better again… But you can’t get better than Pink Floyd!

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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