In Sonic Pump Studios, on the outskirts of Helsinki, AMORPHIS premiered their latest twelve track opus for an assemblage of foreign journalists, as well as homegrown fans.
Even the album artwork is still in transition, as an egg hovers in the clouds above a groove of snow covered pine trees, the familiar arched Hammer Of Thor symbol is crudely depicted on the shell.
Neither label reps, nor management had heard the album prior to the listening session! Bold move.
The still unmastered disc, rumored to go under the title of Beginning Of Time (the last song on the album) will be finalized within the coming week.
Tracklisting (running order still subject to change):
‘My Enemy’,
‘You I Need’,
‘Battle For Light’,
‘Three Words’,
‘On A Stranded Shore’,
‘Song Of The Sage’,
‘Crack In A Stone’,
‘Beginning Of Time’.