AUDIOSLAVE Frontman Writing Songs For New Solo Album

AUDIOSLAVE/ex-SOUNDGARDEN frontman Chris Cornell told AOL Music News last month that he’s writing songs for his second solo album.

“I’m going to hopefully finish it and record before the summer’s over,” Cornell revealed at the video shoot for the new AUDIOSLAVE single, “Original Fire“.

When might the album see the light of the day? “Who knows?” Cornell says. “This record comes out in September, and I don’t really want the two to be fighting.”

While he’s unsure at this point what direction the solo album might go, a clue might come from his love for acoustic music. “When I did the first [solo album] there was definitely a bit of surprise, because people expected it was going to be more in the vein of acoustic, and it wasn’t, really. I feel like the songs for this second one may be more in that direction.”

The title track from “Revelations” will also appear on the soundtrack of “Madden NFL 2007“, the latest in the red hot video game series which arrives in stores on August 22.

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