BARONESS Issue Post Bus Crash Update

Savannah Georgia based BARONESS have issued an update on their post bus crash condition.

As we reported last week, the group’s bus fell 30 feet over a viaduct in the United Kingdom.

Vocalist and guitarist John Baizley suffered a broken arm and a broken leg. Drummer Allen Bickle and bassist Matt Maggioni each suffered fractured vertebrae and all three are currently recovering in the hospital.

Guitarist Pete Adams has been released from the hospital and has returned home to the United States.

BARONESS (who were overseas touring in support of their fantastic new album Yellow and Green) issued the following statement via their Facebook page earlier today:

Thank you to all of you who have been sending the tidal wave of positivity our way. We are uplifted by its sheer magnitude, and power.
Every single one of you is making our days and nights easier and our recovery quicker. Thank you all so much, we are truly lucky to have such incredible people on our side.

A sincere and heartfelt thank you from each of us to each of you.

All scheduled BARONESS shows have been postponed until further notice.

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