BAUHAUS have shared a brand new track called “Drink The New Wine”, which found Peter Murphy, Daniel Ash, Kevin Haskins and David J recording in an unusual way.
We were sent these details: “Drink The New Wine” was recorded last year during lockdown with the four members sharing audio files. The track employs the Surrealists’ ‘Exquisite Corpse’ device whereby each artist adds to the piece without seeing what the others have done.
BAUHAUS have used this technique in the past to great effect. The title refers to the very first ‘Cadavre exquis’ drawing rendered by Andre Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Jacques Prevert and Yves Tanguy which included words which when strung together made up the sentence, ‘Le cadavre exquis boiara le vin nouveau’ (‘The exquisite corpse will drink the new wine.’)
For the recording, the four musicians each had one minute and eight tracks at their disposal plus a shared sixty seconds plus four tracks for a composite at the end. All done without hearing what the others had laid down. The only common link being a prerecorded beat courtesy of Kevin. The final playback came as synchronistic revelation.