As we informed you some three weeks ago, Poland’s ska gang Bibi Ribozo & The Banditos shall invade Sofia, Bulgaria onВ July 28В (Saturday). The event shall happen at the Backstage Club, tickets cost 7 leva /В 3.5 Euro, and the start shall be given at 9:30 p.m. with sets by the local act La Muchedumbre and their Greek colleagues Ska Non Tropo.
Today it was announced that Bibi Ribozo & The Banditos shall do another show in Bulgaria, namely in Varna on July 29 (Sunday). The venue is the Area 51 Club, the entrance – 3 leva / 1.5 Euro, and the ska-massacre is going to start at 8:30 p.m.В with a performance by the local supporting band Proidoha.
Some mp3‘s by Bibi Ribozo & The Banditos, Ska Non TropoВ and La MuchedumbreВ can beВ downloadedВ HERE.