Billy Graziadei in Holland to promote SUICIDE CITY

SUICIDE CITY began when the passionately focused Billy Graziadei (BIOHAZARD, SUICIDE CITY) met the kinetically energetic singer Karl Bernholtz while producing his band, THE GROOVNICS from south Florida. Graziadei then brought in session drummer Danny Lamagna, who was soon joined by fellow Groovnics guitarist AJ Marchetta. After meeting female powerhouse bassist Jennifer Arroyo while on the road with KITTIE , Graziadei pledged to one day join forces with this beautifully intense woman! The dream team was complete.

SUICIDE CITY‘s first disc, “Not My Year“, which has sold over 5,000 copies without any label support.

SUICIDE CITY has been voted “Best band of 2005” by The Deli Magazine and “Best Unsigned Band of 2005” by The East Coast Romper.

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