BLACKIE LAWLESS of W.A.S.P.: ‘Obama is a Marxist’

The W.A.S.P. leader was again pretty honest with radio Tangra Mega Rock.

In the exlusive interview conducted by Vassil Varbanov on the occasion of the brand new studio album ‘Babylon’, BLACKIE is talking politics:

“That’s happening in America right now. People believed that Obama was going to be this wonderful president and they are beginning to understand now this man is a Marxist.”

“And people in America are beginning to understand this.В  And there is a revolution that is happening in America right now. That’s bigger then anything I’ve ever seen. Two weeks ago on Washington DC – A HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE were infromt of the White House protesting against Obama. A hundred thousand people!В  And this is happening now in every major city across the US.”


“A lot of the way people interpret me as not religious, well that’s not true. Because my faith is very very strong!” – said also Mr. Lawless and told us so many other interesting things:

-В Politicials can have everybody in the Eu micro chipped by the year 2017!

– How come he knows BLUES is theВ  the roots of rock’n’roll!

– How do metal bands tune their guitars for a concert!

-В Who’s betterВ – Hughes of Coverdale!

– What’s the best present he got for his birthday.


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