BLINK-182 Drop New Single ‘Quarantine’: Stream

BLINK-182 have returned with a brand new song. It’s “Quarantine”, because, well, it was recorded by the band while in quarantine and is heavy in lyrical content about the quarantine.

Quarantine, fuck this disease,” sings Mark Hoppus. “I’d rather be on Star Tours or stuck at the DMV/ Quarantine, no not for me/ I thought that things were fucked up in 2019/ Fuck quarantine.”

Interestingly enough, the song does not feature or credit Matt Skiba (via Exclaim). Might this be the first sign Tom DeLonge is finally ready to rejoin Hoppus and Travis Barker?

Even despite his wild success on the UFO front, DeLonge has expressed an interest in reuniting with BLINK-182 sooner than later.

Whatever the case, “Quarantine” marks BLINK-182’s first new music since 2019’s Nine.
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