BLINK-182 Streaming New Song Called ‘Misery’

BLINK-182 just released a stream of a brand new track called ‘Misery.’ The song comes from the forthcoming deluxe edition of the band’s 2016 album ‘California’ which will be released on May 19th.

The deluxe version of the band’s seventh studio album will feature 11 brand new tracks and an acoustic version of ‘Bored to Death.’ After touring California last year, the band hopped back in the studio for a few weeks with producer John Feldman.
There is the most insane deluxe album coming. I feel like it’s better than California if you can imagine that,” Travis Barker told KROQ’s Kevin & Bean in January. “We got in the studio for 2 weeks a couple of weeks ago and we wrote 13 or 14 songs.”
We decided if we don’t put them out on this deluxe album, I don’t think they’d see the light of day in 2018 because we’ll be working California still for another year. So all these songs will come out on the deluxe album, and it’s just incredible. I mean it when I say I like it better than California.”

Listen to the new song here.

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