BODY COUNT win best metal performance award at the Grammys

BODY COUNT have won the Best Metal Performance Grammy for Bum-Rush, taken from last year’s Carnivore album.

The award was made during this year’s ceremony, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center and hosted by Daily Show presenter Trevor Noah

Bum-Rush triumphed in a category that included four other nominated performances: Underneath by Code Orange, The In-Between by In This Moment,
Bloodmoney by Poppy and Power Trip’s Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe) – Live.
“That one [Bum-Rush] is a very Public Enemy-inspired record,” frontman Ice-T told Metal Hammer last year. “And the beats give me the vibe of The Prodigy. I love that, man. I’m all about vibes
The song is kind of like No Lives Matter [from 2017’s Bloodlust]. Once we really understand that we mostly have all the same enemies, now we’re powerful and you can’t stop that power. So if we stop becoming distracted by what the media is trying to tell us then we unite as one and put everyone on the same side; then you can’t stop that bum rush.
Other awards announced during the ceremony included the prize for Best Rock Album, which went to The New Abnormal by THE STROKES, Best Rock Song (Stay High by ALABAMA SHAKES singer Brittany Howard) and Best Rock Performance (Shameika by Fiona Apple). Apple also won the Best Alternative Album prize for Fetch The Bolt Cutters.

Finally, FANTASTIC NEGRITO won his third Best Contemporary Blues Album Grammy for this third album, Have You Lost You Mind Yet?

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