Bodyguard for Jay Z and Lady Gaga tasered to death by police, naked

Prior to Monday night, Norman Oosterbroek was known as the founder of RAD Security, described by Variety as “one of the largest global music celebrity protection firms,” whose client list included Jay Z, Kanye West, Drake, and Lady Gaga.

In fact, google any one of these musicians and you’ll probably spot Oosterbroek in more than a few photographs (he so frequently appeared alongside Gaga, the fan site Gagapedia gave him his own section).

After Monday night, Oosterbroek will go down in Miami-Dade county history as the naked guy who was tasered to death by police. True story.

 Miami New Times’ Riptide reports that police arrived to the residence of Markus and Christiane Jung Monday night, where they found Markus fighting a naked Oosterbroek.

During the fight Oosterbroek was seen “ingesting an unknown substance,” and when he violently resisted the officers, he was tasered, which led to his death. Police are now awaiting a toxicology report.

Three years ago, at a Jay Z concert in Washington, D.C., a man dared to jump the stage and saunter toward the rapper. The unruly crasher was caught on video being grabbed by a well-dressed bodyguard, who tossed the intruder about 10 feet off stage, breaking both his legs.

At about six-foot-five and weighing roughly 280 pounds, the bodyguard was Norman Oosterbroek.


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