Book On CHRIS CORNELL Coming In 2020

According to The Pulse Of Radio, a new book on late SOUNDGARDEN and AUDIOSLAVE frontman Chris Cornell, titled ‘Total F@&king Godhead: The Biography Of Chris Cornell’, will arrive in 2020.

The author, Rolling Stone and Billboard writer Corbin Reiff, announced the news in a series of tweets, saying: “I’ve spent the last year conducting interviews and doing research and can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to kick the tires on this.

Reiff mentioned in his tweets that he has interviewed legendary Seattle producer Jack Endino, who worked on SOUNDGARDEN‘s early recordings, as well as Seattle music critic Dawn Anderson, the first person to ever review the band’s music back in 1986. But it is unclear if he has spoken to the members of Cornell‘s family or his bandmates in SOUNDGARDEN, AUDIOSLAVE or TEMPLE OF THE DOG.
Cornell, who committed suicide last year, will be honored next month at a tribute concert in Los Angeles, where the remaining members of SOUNDGARDEN and AUDIOSLAVE, along with METALLICA, FOO FIGHTERS and others, will perform.
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