BRASS AGAINST singer Sophia Urista apologises for urinating on fan during show

The Daytona Beach Police Department have confirmed that they haven’t launched an investigation into the actions of BRASS AGAINST frontwoman Sophia Urista, who urinated on a fan during a performance last week. 

During BRASS AGAINST‘s set at Welcome To Rockville in Florida on Thursday, Urista was filmed relieving herself midway through a rendition of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE‘s Wake Up, while standing above a fan lying on the stage.
In the days following the incident, reports circulated suggesting that a police investigation had been launched following a complaint about Urista‘s actions, but the Daytona police have clarified that “no incident report was created because we didn’t actually speak to the reporting party”.
She spoke to a county dispatcher initially,” the spokesperson told The Daytona Beach News Journal. “We tried calling her back twice and received no response. Beyond that, we’re not giving any further comment on this matter.”
Urista’s actions could be considered an act of “indecent exposure”, punishable by a fine of $1000 (£743) or up to a year in prison. Indecent exposure is defined as “[exposing one’s] sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner”.
And earlier today, Urista herself apologised in a tweet, saying, “Hey everyone. I want to speak to my performance at the Rockville metal festival in Daytona.

“I have always pushed the limits in music and on stage. That night, I pushed the limits too far.
I love my family, the bands, and the fans more than anything and I know that some were hurt or offended by what I did. I apologise to them and want to let them know that I didn’t mean to hurt them. 
I am not a shock artist. I always want to put the music first. I’m grateful for all your love and continued support.” 
Recently, TOOL announced that BRASS AGAINST would be joining them on their European/UK tour next year.
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