CRADLE OF FILTH – Siberian show cancelled amid protests

The latest victim were the British black metal legends CRADLE OF FILTH, who were unable to play a show in Novosibirsk on Monday, reports The Moscow Times. The original venue was unavailable because of a snap raid by drug police, the report said.

Organizers were unable to set up the equipment in time at an alternative venue, which left the band to hold a non-musical meeting with fans instead. A spokesman for the organizers said they will be filing a complaint against Christian activists who opposed the show by a “satanic” band.

But he stopped short of blaming them for disrupting the show, the first of five that CRADLE OF FILTH is set to play in Siberia and the Russian Far East this week. Russian fundamentalists have recently targeted a number of extreme metal bands coming to Russia, calling them offensive to Christian faith — a criminal offense in the country.

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