DASH THE EFFORTH call it a day – the band will play two farewell shows

DASH THE EFFORTH have decided to call it a day. The Buglarian metallers have posted the following message on Facebook:

Dear Friends,

After numerous changes in our line up, in our selves and our music, we decided to split ways and to continue our musical journey in different directions. 
With that being said, we have to anounce that Dash the Effort will be inactive from January 2023. There is no drama between us and we will remain friends.

The last concerts of the band will be on 02.12 in Plovdiv (rock bar Download) and 03.12 in Sofia (club Mixtape 5).

We would like to say a huge thank you to each and everyone who supported us through the years, who came to our shows, who purchased our merchandise, who blasted our music in their car/home or everyday life. You guys rock. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Joro, Jo, Naso
  • Source: RadioTangra.com