The most recent episode of FOO FIGHTERS’ HBO series, Sonic Highways, focuses on the rich musical history of Seattle, Washington. Much of the episode is centered around Dave Grohl’s time in Nirvana and his transition into Foo Fighters. According to producer Barrett Jones, Grohl wrote upward of 40 solo songs during the final years of Nirvana. Among them was a previously unheard track ‘Hooker on the Street’, which was played during the episode. Take a listen below.
During that same episode, Grohl also revealed Kurt Cobain’s reaction to his early solo recordings. “Kurt heard that, and kissed me on the face, as he was in a bath,”
Grohl recounted. “He was so excited. He was like, ‘I heard you recorded some stuff with Barrett [Jones].’ I was like, ‘Yeah.’ He was like, ‘Let me hear it.’ I was too afraid to be in the same room as he listened to it.”