Did you know about GAYC/DC – the GAY AC/DC TRIBUTE BAND?

Rock and metal cover bands can be a blast. They’re especially entertaining if the group offers a twist on the group they’re paying tribute to, such as the dwarf KISS cover band Mini Kiss or the female IRON MAIDEN cover band The Iron Maidens. Now, add to that pool the flamboyant rock-outs of gay Los Angeles AC/DC cover band GayC/DC, who formed in the early 2000s and has been rocking ever since.

Instead of dressing in a schoolboy uniform like Angus Young, guitarist Karl Rumpf wears a schoolgirl outfit. The drummer goes by the name Phellatio Rudd (Phil Rudd was AC/DC’s longtime drummer) and there’s no end to the gay-oriented puns in the band’s (arse)nal.
Instead of ‘Let There Be Rock,’ we have ‘Let There Be Cock’; ‘Whole Lotta Rosie’ becomes ‘Whole Lotta Jose’; ‘Problem Child’ is now ‘Bottom Child’; ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ has been revamped as ‘Dirty Dudes Done Dirty Cheap’; And ‘Bad Boy Boogie’ is now ‘Gay Boy Boogie.’
Band member Chris Freeman boasted to LA Weekly. “It’s just the fact that somebody up there in a dress and tiara rather than in a t-shirt and jeans, the whole context makes the song have a different meaning. That’s what I loved about it.”
GayC/DC didn’t decide to cover Australia’s biggest rock ‘n’ roll sexport merely for the spectacle. They’re actually in it for the songs. “All of us were AC/DC fans, but grew up with the feeling that they’re extremely heterosexual,” Freeman said. “What could we bring to that to turn it on its ear, and also remain faithful to the music that we love?
Much of the masculine rock community has embraced the wit and power of GayC/DC. Skid Row vocalist Sebastian Bach — who garnered tons of bad press in the ’80s when he wore a t-shirt that read, ‘AIDS Kills Fags Dead’ — considers himself a fan and actually performed with the band in 2015.
Watch that performance of GayC/DC perform ‘If You Want Cum (You’ve Got It)’ and ‘Bottom Child’ here below.
  • Source: loudwire.com