On 20 October, Friday night, at the Winter Sports Palace in Sofia almost 6,000 people saw why Duran Duran are being called “The Fab Five ” – a perfect combination of vision and sound, incredible professionalism, a marvellous show! Like a real time machine, Duran Duran sent us back in the 80s and 90s with such an ease that now is unreachable for many of their contemporaries, while others never had it.
At 9.20 pm, when the crowd was getting more and more impatient after having waited for more than an hour, the lights went out and John Taylor, Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, Dom Brown instead of Andy Taylor and Roger Taylor came on stage and set the people frantic with their first song “Hungry Like The Wolf“, lighted by the huge screen behind them. Dressed like English gentlemen (John and Nick) and top models on the catwalk(Simon), Duran Duran went on with “Planet Earth“, after which Simon said in pure Bulgarian “Thank you” and “Good Evening, Sofia“.
“Union of the Snake” and “Serious/Nice” came right after, and at the beginning of “Come Undone” the hall was lit up by thousands of glowing mobile phones, showing the end of the lighters’ era. “What Happens Tomorrow” was dedicated to the unpredictable future.
Throughout the whole concert, Simon demonstrated great vocals, singing with an ease even the highest pitches. He was dancing charmingly and he was twirling at 180 degrees. The public sang along with the band “Ordinary World“, which Simon dedicated to all peacemakers. In “A View to a Kill” John presented himself as “Bond, James Bond” and Simon played the role perfectly. Then there were “Notorious“, “Sunrise“, “Careless Memories” and “Wild Boys“, the last one sounding like an anthem of the band as there were fans in front with a poster saying “Duran Duran – the wild boys in rock music“. After an hour and a half of utter devotion to the fans, Duran Duran went off stage.
During the next 5 minutes the crowd nearly blew the roof out, shouting and whistling and clapping hands and there they were, Duran Duran came on stage again with their classic “Girls on Film“. After that, Simon introduced all the band members as well as the guest musicians. The last song for the night was “Rio“, followed by deep bows at the end. Although the whole hall was screaming for “Too Much Information“, Duran Duran did not come back. Nevertheless, the feelings left were that of total enjoyment.