EAGLES OF DEATH METAL Cover of GNR’s ‘It’s So Easy’

If you know EAGLES OF DEATH METAL, you’re well aware of the power of Jesse “Boots Electric” Hughes’ strut-rock charms, delivered in an uptempo booty groove never more than an arrow’s shot away from The Rolling Stones’ Brown Sugar.

Antiquiet recently spent the day with Jesse, who showed us around his favorite Los Angeles digs while sacrificing many plants to the fire gods, arguing about politics & religion and spinning some jaw-dropping rock n’ roll yarns. That shitkicking riot of weird is a story for another day, but in the midst of it we were also witness to a dose of musical history, Boots Electric style.

Among some of the more ridiculously delicious things Jesse played for us was his own cover of Guns N’ Roses’ classic reckless-living jam It’s So Easy.

Naturally, the band that GNR nucleus Axl Rose personally dubbed the “Pigeons Of Shit Metal” has taken the song, smacked it up, flipped it, rubbed it down – and the end result is sexy as a motherfucker. The best part? AQ’s hooking you up with the song, courtesy of Jesse himself. 


  • Source: antiquiet.com