ENTER SHIKARI premiered their new track “The Dreamer’s Hotel” with BBC Radio host Annie Mac and the song is now live everywhere.
Fans may have already caught a bit of the song on social media recently, though frontman Rou Reynolds attempted to throw followers off the scent, stating, “Back home and messing with this. probably not really ‘first single from the album’ material,” with a crying eyes “joy” emoji.
The heavily percussive track is incredibly catchy and will inevitably have listeners stuck with the phrase “meanwhile” in their heads for quite some time. Have a look at the lyrics and listen to the track in full below:
ENTER SHIKARI have been in the studio of late, with photos popping up on their social media. This comes after the band issued the track “Stop the Clocks” last year. At the time, the band stated that they didn’t want to take away from the momentum of their previous album, but did want to jump in and get the new song down in the studio after previewing it at shows in 2018.
Though no official word has come as of yet, it’s expected that “The Dreamer’s Hotel” will be the first music from their next studio album.