Two days after stunning the Bulgarian fans at the Spirit of Burgas 2009 – FAITH NO MORE did the same with thousands of Hungarians at one of the biggest festivals in Europe – Sziget 2009 in Budapest.
The band performed a slightly different setlist closing the encores with ‘Diggin The Grave’ instead of the much beloved by the Bulgarian fans – ‘We Care A Lot’.
On different stages of the show, vocalist Mike Patton proved to be quite aВ character – he puts red panties from the audience on his head during ‘Midlife Crisis’ (video 1). At the end of the concert, Patton swallows a two-foot shoelace from a piece of footwear that was thrown onstage (video 2) and tries to sing ‘Just A Man’.
A source close to the police in Burgas, where FAITH NO MORE played on Friday night told us that a police officer was asking at the Burgas county hall for a current Patton’s location following complaint from the owner of the TV equipment, damaged by the singer during the band performance at the Spirit of Burgas 2009. More on this story in our LIVE REPPORTВ on the festival.
We strongly believe that the man did it only to have documents to show to his insurance company.
FAITH NO MORE in Burgas 2009 – photo: Elena Nenkova
In the meantime, the biggest Bulgarian rock photographer – Elena Nenkova gave us the rights on more then 60 AMAZING pictures from the Spirit of Burgas 2009 festivalВ which you can see tomorrow in the GALLERY of this website.В
A couple of days ago, it was confirmed thatВ FAITH NO MORE will keep on touring in 2010 with 5 concerts in Australia so far, from February 20 to March 1.
1.В for the red pantsВ – go to 4:23
2. for the shoelaceВ – go to 6:00В