FANAGORIA – goth metal made in Bulgaria

After it came clear the the Hottest New Bulgarian rock band will be chosen by Tangra Mega Rock’s listeners’ votes in tha radio forum among the TOP 10 from the first leg of the competition we now keep on talking about the bands who didn’t make it to the finals. Just to help you to get more familiar with the current Bulgarian rock scene.

FANAGORIA is a goth metal band formed almoest nine years ago. But they never got the chance to record an album. They say they have song material for more than two records but still keep on writing new stuff.

The idea is to finally record the debut album in 2010 and to go on a label hunt and catch the right one to release it.

TheВ two tracks FANAGORIA has in our competition areВ ‘РўСЂСЉРЅ РІ очите’В andВ ‘Chains of Eternity’ CHECK HERE.


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