FATES WARNING Drummer checks in From HOSPITAL

FATES WARNING drummer Bobby Jarzombek has checked-in with the following:

Well this kind of sucks….! Not to scare y’all but I’m in the hospital and need to stay here overnight. My left knee started hurting a bit when I was in Europe with Fates Warning last week.

The pain continued after I got back home to San Antonio (along with a slight fever). I was thinking the fever was due to working outside in the record heat weather here in SA.

Anyway, this continued until late last night when the pain spread halfway down my leg. My wife Carol and I went to the hospital. Turns out I have cellulitis. So I’m stuck here with antibiotics in my veins, and they’ll look at it tomorrow to determine if it needs to be cut and drained. If so, no drumming for a week!”

  • Source: bravewords.com