HAMMERFALL’s ‘Freedom’ Single From Upcoming ‘Avenge The Fallen’ Album

Swedish metallers HAMMERFALL have released “Freedom”, the third single from their upcoming album, “Avenge The Fallen”, which is due on August 9 via Nuclear Blast Records.

When it comes to the main focus of the album, frontman Joacim Cans mentions “freedom” and the urge to let anyone be who they want to be. It’s represented in the album’s cover, where the bands faithful warrior Hector choses to walk his own path, despite what others tell him to do. Much like HAMMERFALL have and always will do.
“Avenge The Fallen” track listing:
01. Avenge The Fallen
02. Burn It Down
03. Capture The Dream
04. Hail To The King
05. Hero To All
06. Hope Springs Eternal
07. Rise Of Evil
08. The End Justifies
09. Time Immemorial
Photo credit: Tallee Savage 
  • Source: blabbermouth.net