HEAR the new album by THE DATSUNS

With members living in Stockholm, Auckland, London and Wellington, recording music isn’t as straightforward as it might be, but THE DATSUNS gathered for ten days at Roundhead Studios in Auckland last January and recorded their new album, Deep Sleep.

We’re not fucking around”, says singer and bassist Rudolf de Borst. “We’re all conscious of the fact that we don’t live so close to one another, if we’re together, we’re going to make records.”

We knew we only had a few days to make this recording happen so we had a few things planned out in advance, a manifesto if you will. We knew we wanted to record analogue, hot to tape and that the sounds had to fit within certain sonic parameters: fuzz, minimal miking and overdubs. The song writing inspiration came from sci fi dreams and the spaces in between worlds, you get the idea. Five days later we had the bulk done. Our quickest and probably most fun record to make.”

Check ths album here.

  • Source: teamrock.com