IHM radio with TWO warm up gigs for FIFTH ANNIVERSARY

I HATE MONDAYS radio will warm up for its upcoming fifth anniversary in November with two gigs in Sofia.

FIrst will be held at Sofia’s Grindhouse club on 14 August with the following line-up: WOLF X DOWN (Germany), DЕMONWOMB (Austria) and Bulgarian bands MELEKH, CUT OFF and REZERVEN PLAN.

Gig starts at 7 pm – entry is 10 BGN.

Second concert is set to happen on 14 September at Grindhouse with MINUS TREE (Italy) and OVERDAWN, BLACKMAIL, THEM FREQUENCIES and PERFECT SKIES.

Gig starts at 7:30 pm – entry is 10 BGN.

I Hate Mondays Radio has unveiled its brand new logo, desisgned by Vassil Vassev- Vasse.


  • Source: ihmradio.com