Listen to MARK LANEGANBAND’s New Single ‘The Gravedigger’s Song’

Mark Lanegan Band has announced a second album, Blues Funeral.В 

Though the album will not surface until February 7, 2012, the band has released a new single, along with the artwork and track-listing for Blues Funeral.

The first single, ‘The Gravedigger’s Song,’ was unveiled via radio stations throughout Seattle last night and can be listened at this location.В It will be released on a 7″ along with a brand new version of ‘Burning Jacob’s Ladder’ that will be issued on January 10, 2012.В 

The artwork and track-listing for Blues Funeral are included below:

01. The Gravedigger’s Song
02. Bleeding Muddy Water
03. Gray Goes Black
04. St Louis Elegy
05. Riot In My House
06. Ode To Sad Disco
07. Phantasmagoria Blues
08. Quiver Syndrome
09. Harborview Hospital
10. Leviathan
11. Deep Black Vanishing Train
12. Tiny Grain Of Truth


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