Listen To New MONSTER MAGNET Song ‘Ejection’

The song ‘Ejection’ from MONSTER MAGNET can be streamed below.

The track is taken from the band’s 11th album, ‘Mindfucker’, which will be released on March 23 via Napalm.

The disc “is different, a step forward and a step back at the same time to the almighty roots of hard rock music, kindled by the unpretentious proto-punk era,” according to a press release. “Up-tempo, savage in both sound and spirit, ‘Mindfucker’ is the real deal! The album has the potential to surprise and to whip up the love for the genre, while still giving the sludgies and stoner freaks exactly what they wish for in a new MONSTER MAGNET album.”
 Listen to MONSTER MAGNET – Ejection byNapalmRecords on

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