Live report – LAIBACH in Sofia

It might come off as an awful cliché yet it is the God-given truth – each LAIBACH gig in Sofia is not your casual Staurday night concert but an audio-visual feast of industrial poetry and noisy splendour. Never affected by the ever rotating band cast or the changes in the music industry, LAIBACH are just as perfect as they were 14 years ago on their first ever concert here – expectedly so yet ever so unexpected in their deliverance. 
Thing is, you can never be prepared for what they’ve planned for you. And it matters little whether you’ve seen them live before or whether you’ve already seen thousands of other concerts anyway. LAIBACH are here to shatter all your know-it-all expectations with industrial hammering and a haughty smirk, just to show you that real, impressive as Hell music is not only possible but right here for us all – prophetic, retro-avantgarde and unmerciful in a very LAIBACH-ian way.


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