LOU REED & METALLICA recently announced the release dates for their debut album: November 1st in North America and October 31st for the rest of the world. A new update from the project reads as follows:
“The musical collaboration between Lou Reed and Metallica, Lulu, is coming your way this fall and this space will be your spot for all things Loutallica(!). We want to start sharing with you just how the Lulu project, recorded at HQ just a few short months ago, is coming together. As you can see this site is a work in progress and the plan is to build it before your very eyes. Please bear with us while we piece it all together!
Lulu was inspired by German expressionist writer Frank Wededkind’s plays Earth Spirit and Pandora’s Box, which tell a story of a young abused dancer’s life and relationships and are now collectively known as the Lulu Plays. Since their publication in the early 1900’s, the plays have been the inspiration for a silent film (Pandora’s Box, 1929), an opera, and countless other creative endeavors. Originally the lyrics and musical landscape were sketched out by Lou for a theatrical production, but after coming together with the ‘Tallica boys for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame concerts in New York in 2009 all guilty parties knew they wanted to make more music together. Lou was inspired enough by that performance to recently ask the band to join him in taking his theatrical “Lulu” piece to the next level and so starting in early May of this year we were all camped out recording at HQ studios in Northern California, bringing us to today and ten complete songs.
We can’t wait to share this music and the whole experience with you. Please visit us often… we’ll be posting updates on a frequent basis.”