Luxury fashion brand is selling second-hand NIRVANA T-shirts for thousands of dollars

A luxury fashion house is cashing in on nostalgia for the 1990s by selling second-hand NIRVANA T-shirts at prices that would have thrift-shop devotee Kurt Cobain turning in his grave. 

As part of their The Vintage collection, Saint Laurent are offering bog-standard grunge merchandise items at what one might perhaps consider ‘piss-take prices’: having recently sold an Incesticide album cover design T-shirt for a staggering £3295 ($4200), the site is currently flogging the same design for $ 4,450 (£3,485) with complimentary shipping, an In Utero cover design shirt for $ 2,690 (£2106), and a classic ‘Fudge Packin Crack Smokin Satan Worshippin Mother Fucker’ shirt for the bargain price of $1,390 (£1,089). 
Naturally, these prices have caused something of a stir. Former SONIC YOUTH bassist/vocalist Kim Gordon, longtime friends with NIRVANA, posted a story about the collection on instagram with the caption, “Sick! So punk!”. Referencing the 1991 Dave Markey-filmed documentary 1991: The Year Punk Broke, which featured a 1991 Sonic Youth/Nirvana tour of Europe, one clever comment below Gordon’s Instagram post reads ‘The year Punk made me Broke.”
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