MANU CHAO returns with three new songs, his first material in a decade – listen

If there were ever a time we could use MANU CHAO’s positive message and vibes, it’s right now.

Which is why we’re grateful the multi-lingual fusion artist has returned with his first new material in 10 years by releasing not just one new song, but three. 

Each song has been shared with an accompanying video, the first of which you can watch above. The track is called ‘No Solo En China Hay Futuro’ (‘Not Only China Has a Future’), a Spanish ode to developing local strength and remaining optimistic. Below, you can listen to ‘Words of Truth’, a gentle reggae number that well fits MANU CHAO’s catalog and is likely to offer comfort to those distressed by the media headlines over the weekend.
The third song is something quite different, and actually comes from CHAOS’s new project with Greek actress Klelia Renesi, Ti.po.ta. The duo is described mystically as “literally nothing… Ti.po.ta is everything … Ti. po.ta is a virus… Ti.po.ta is the cure.
Our first taste of the group comes in the form of ‘Moonlight Avenue’. Musically, it sounds like an English language Manu Chao song, only plugged into a celestial power source. It’s delivered via two videos, one featuring Renesi skinny dipping in an idyllic ocean while Chao plays ukulele underwater and the other laying out the duo’s mission statement to create “sounds, words, images and dreams.” Check both clips out below. 
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