Last night, July 4, a few minutes before the start of the show by Marilyn Manson, Type O NegativeВ and Alien Industry in Sofia, Bulgaria,В Peter Steele revealed in an interview for the Bulgarian Krechetalo TV Show: “I respect Marilyn Manson very much as a person and an artist. However, while Type O Negative is and shall always be Josh, Johnny, Kenny and Peter, Manson is alone.”
A bit before midnight, right after the end of the concert, Brian Warner reprlied to his colleague’s words: “No, I don’t feel alone, neither lonely – especially now, with this line-up. These guys, as well as this show in Sofia, convinced me it’s time to start working on my next album immediately. Yes, this is a special announcement and I mean it – these thousandsВ of Bulgarian fans singing my lyrics as one made me wanna be a singer again.”
To celebrate the decision to start writingВ their next effort, as well as in honor of July 4, Marilyn Manson, Tim Skold, Rob Holliday, Chris Vrenna, Ginger Fish and their crew set up some mini-fireworks in the backstage area of the Academic Stadium in Sofia.
PhotosВ of the concert by Marilyn Manson, Type O NegativeВ and Alien Industry, as well as some autographs,В can be seen in ourВ GALLERY. AВ report and aВ complete setlist of the show is available HERE.