MASTODON Makes Pickles Now

MASTODON isn’t back with new music just yet, but they are back with pickles… and that’s fun. MASTODON has teamed up with Kelly’s Death Pickles for four different styles of pickles, each with their own corresponding artwork for each band member (seemingly modeled after KISS‘ four solo albums).

Special shout out to bassist Troy Sanders for his Troy Sanders Diller Be Dilled pickles (pictured), if only because it gives us hope that there could be new KILLER BE KILLED at some point. Is that a stretch? Absolutely. Am I retracting it? Nope. Let me feel hope. Get ’em here.
LAMB OF GOD and MASTODON will hit the road this July and August to play their 2004 albums Ashes Of The Wake and Leviathan in full. All dates will be opened by KERRY KING and MALEVOLENCE, except for a few in the middle featuring KERRY KING and UNEARTH
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