On Aug. 2, 2016, MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER frontman Dallas Taylor suffered significant injuries in a four wheeler accident and as he approaches two years from the incident, his mother has checked in with fans with an update on his health.

At the time of his accident, Taylor reported that he broke every bone in his face, cracked his skull, broke his arms, incurred significant eye and jaw damage, ripped his ear canal and had bleeding in his lungs and in the brain. In addition, he suffered a stroke from the trauma of the incident.

In his new update, Taylor let his mother offer the news, while he chimed in, “Another update on me from my mother. She says it be better. #healing #thankgodformoms.”

The update reads as follow:

This is an update on Dallas. Dallas went to see the endocrinologist a couple of weeks ago and they had him go get a bunch of blood work. They called and said that his adrenal gland is not working right and is extremely low which is why he feels like he has the flu all the time and has bad pain all the time and no energy, hard for him to get out of bed. He also has thyroid problems.

He is going to have some real in depth tests at Shands Hospital. This will help them find out how to treat him.

He is also having eye surgery at Bascom Palmer eye institute in Miami April 10. We will be there for about four days. He is a little nervous about the surgery but we are putting it in God’s hands. He is blind in the left eye and the right eye is paralyzed and stays looking at his nose. His right carotid artery is 100 percent blocked, which supplies blood to his right eye but he is getting blood from the left carotid artery, but it is still something to be concerned about.

It will be two years in August since his accident. He hasn’t worked in all this time and still can’t drive. Thanks for all the prayers and financial support which has meant so much to him.
MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER had released four albums and were said to be working on material in 2015 prior to Taylor‘s incident. With Taylor still facing significant recovery time, it is not known if or when more music might be coming.
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