Chris Murray, vocalist of Floridian metalcore/punk ILLUMINATE ME, has launched a petition via asking Facebook to stop charging bands and other businesses to reach all of their respective Facebook followers.
Murray explains:
“Facebook has raised its rates on bands and small business’s promoting themselves through their website several times over the last few years, asking to pay even more money to simply reach the audience the band or small business has already acquired. It’s getting to a point where it’s blatant greed and is unjustifiable. Bands like us for example, (especially the unsigned ones) pay Facebook a hefty amount of money for an ad, just to get potential new fans to visit our page. On top of that now, we must pay a LARGE fee to talk to the fans already subscribed to our page. So we’re paying double on a service that we heavily rely on. It’s an exploitation of what bands need the most: communication with their fan base.”
Murray says that he paid nearly $3,000 to Facebook in an attempt to increase Facebook “likes” for his band (Illuminate Me currently has 25,000 likes). Additionally, he claims that he has to shell out $150 every time he wants one of his posts to reach all of the band’s Facebook followers.
You can read more here. Thus far, the petition has more than 30,000 supporters.