Metallica Speak Out About Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

After the news that Metallica would join Run DMC, Jeff Beck and others in being inducted into this year’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, the metal behemoths have spoken at a press conference.

James Hetfield saidВ  ‘Life is good in Metallica right now,’ and when asked who will induct the metal titans, he commented, ‘I think that’s an ongoing discussion,’ he said. ‘Between who the people actually know and care about, who actually respects you as a band… You don’t want just some popular guy who’s attracting TV viewers to induct you just because of that.’

He also revealed that former bassist Jason Newstead had been invited to be part of the proceedings. ‘There’s been an invite put out, no doubt,’ said Hetfield.

‘We want everyone to celebrate – everyone who’s been a part of it. Jason has been a big part of that. You don’t want to see the drama of a… unfortunately, Blondie or [Sex] Pistols or Van Halen. It’s ridiculous. This is Metallica’s moment – along with others – but let’s celebrate. Let’s forget the crap.’

He also added that ‘I would like to think that Cliff (Burton) would love this.’

Cliff Burton Memorial

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