Morbid Angel have premiered their new video ‘Existo VulgorГ©.’ The clip draws inspiration from ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Galigari,’ the classic silent movie of German Expressionism and features the sculptures of artist Kyrstopher Sapp (Alien Sex Fiend, 45 Grave).
Acclaimed video director Thomas Mignone (Megadeth, Sepultura, Danzig) produced the video and digital compositing and post-production was handled by Christopher Neil (Portishead).
‘Existo VulgorГ©’ is taken from Morbid Angel’s latest album ‘Illud Divinum Insanus.’
On Feb. 28 Season of Mist will release ‘Illud Divinum Insanus – The Remixes.’ Born out of the band’s penchant for exploring new sounds, the album collects 39 fresh, sharp tracks created with the ‘Illud…’ album material by the foremost names in the electro, industrial, and DJ worlds. Laibach, Cevin Key (Skinny Puppy), Combichrist, The Toxic Avenger, Project Pitchfork and Punish Yourself, are just a few of the remixers on the three-hour collection.