Metall Willy was our exclusive live reporter at the glorious Napalm Death gig in Sofia. Metal Willy is one odd motherfucker. His live report turned out pretty good, as you can see for yourselves HERE.
The thing is, apart from sharing his personal impressions with us and hammering some free vodka at the show, Metal Willy was supposed to nick a copy of the headliner’s setlist, so that we could stick it up on our wall and on this here website too. For that authentic vibe.
Right after the gig, we went up to him and inquired: ‘Oi you, Willy, where’s the fucking setlist. eh?’ To which he couldn’t answer directly…nor indirectly either. He just stood there dazed and confused.
So here we are, three days later – the nation battles with ugly pig coppers in front of Parliament in a just and angry protest…while watching videos of the carnage on youtube, Metal Willy decides to reach for his backpocket and immediately starts shrieking: ‘For fuck’s sake, I’m SUCH A CUNT!’
Thanks for bearing with us!