NICK CAVE will return to work with THE BAD SEEDS for their 15th studio album together, Push the Sky Away, to be released February 18th in the UK and the following day in the U.S.

This is the first BAD SEEDS album since 2008′s Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!,  though CAVE has remained prolific scoring films and working with his other band, GRINDERMAN.

The first single, ‘We No Who U R’, will be out December 3rd.

According to a press release, the band reenlisted Nick Launay as producer, who also produced Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! and the last two GRIDNERMAN albums (along with Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ It’s Blitz!).

The release goes on to say that Push the Sky Away is the most “subtly beautiful” of all the BAD SEEDS’ albums.

CAVE wrote of the album, “Well, if I were to use that threadbare metaphor of albums being like children, then Push the Sky Away is the ghost-baby in the incubator and Warren’s [Ellis] loops are its tiny, trembling heart-beat.”

The ominous trailer for the album and its tracklist are below.

Push The Sky Away tracklist:

01. We No Who U R
02. Wide Lovely Eyes
03. Water’s Edge
04. Jubilee Street
05. Mermaids
06. We Real Cool
07. Finishing Jubilee Street
08. Higgs Boson Blues
09. Push The Sky Away


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